Silicon Valley 2014 - Proposal

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The Game of Operations and the Operation of Games


Operating online games is fun and challenging. Games are some of the spikiest workloads around, and real-time really means real-time. Randy will share many of the DevOps techniques he has put into practice at KIXEYE: autonomous teams, micro-services, configuration automation, a common service "chassis", and, of course, "you build it, you run it"!

Because the DevOps worldview is as applicable to large organizations as it is to small startups, he will further share war stories from building, maintaining, enhancing, and operating eBay’s search infrastructure and Google’s App Engine PaaS, each of which has strongly informed the approach at KIXEYE.


Randy Shoup is the Chief Technology Officer at KIXEYE, making awesome games scalabler and reliabler. Previously, he was Director of Engineering at Google, leading several teams building Google App Engine, the world's largest Platform as a Service. Prior to Google, he spent 6 1/2 years as Chief Engineer at eBay, building several successive generations of eBay's real-time search engine.

Randy speaks regularly at conferences on distributed computing and large-scale infrastructure, and is particularly interested in how organizations move rapidly at scale.

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Special sponsors

BMC Ansible Box

Silver sponsors

Boundary Dell Software VictorOps Bugcrowd Yelp RedHat

Bronze sponsors

Relevance Lab Salesforce Aerospike

Media sponsors

Velocity Usenix Lopsa Citizen Space